Friday, April 2, 2010

Big Mouth Strikes Again

So I'm sorry to have caused shock and awe (thanks for the outrage but I'm afraid I duped you into it) to the few who commented on my Nothin's Free posting.  Of course I was totally wrong.  I deleted the post.  I did some googling today, & still haven't figured much out, but I assumed Rector and Visitors had something to do with visiting chaplains, and mistakenly confused rector for rectory (duh, obviously I'm lacking in this area -- hush now, Lynn).  I'm so relieved to know the chaplains are there, for patients and not for profit.

So, I did figure out the Rector & Visitors run the UVA Medical Center, but on the internet they don't leave much of a trail & are a bit mysterious.  Administrative high places, creep me out a little.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO!!!!!!!
    well, I'm glad that's been worked out.
    i still stand by my "hate organized religion" comment.
